Evacuation Modeling

Evacuation modelling is often undertaken when there is a shortfall in the means of escape provisions or if the proposals deviate from the recommendations of the standard guidance. For complex designs, the use of evacuation modelling can identify that people can escape within an acceptable period of time or prior to untenable conditions.

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Our evacuation modelling can be completed in accordance with any national or international standard, for example, NFPA, BS, SFPE and IBC.

  • Review and development of evacuation procedures
  • Evacuation procedures for persons requiring assistance to evacuate
  • Fire safety training - review and evaluation of existing training programs and their technical content
  • Crowd Evacuation, Agent-based Model
  • Disaster Evacuation Modelling
  • Emergency Management

We can analyse your evacuation procedures Human evacuation of buildings and public spaces can be simulated with great accuracy using sophisticated software. This makes it possible to determine how people move during an incident such as a fire, as well as the time required to access safe areas.

Our analysis of complex evacuation procedures

  • Stadiums and arenas.
  • Residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.
  • Road / Rail Tunnels.
  • Outdoor festival venues, parks, and other public spaces.


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